Monday, September 21, 2009

Life keeps on going...

We are still alive here at Chez JJ. We have added a new addition here- Ralph is finally here. He's settled in, and is now glaring at me from his cage. Normally when I am home he is out, but today he wants to bite- so most of his day has been spent getting put back into the cage. Actually, he's now falling asleep on his perch, maybe he was just grumpy because he needed more sleep. *shrug* I'll just call him Kelly. (my sister who gets puts on quite the pair of crankypants when she doesn't get enough sleep). He also deserves the nickname of Q-Tip, he loves to clean our ears. Hubby and I aren't quite sure why he thinks our ears are so dirty, we wash them, we swear! He is interested in Miko, more from the "why are you paying attention to her instead of me?" and doesn't really pay any attention to my cockatiels. And he loves hubby more than me now. I'm only good enough for when hubby isn't around.

Yesterday hubby was mowing the lawn and Ralph did not like it. Everytime he went by the front window (where Ralph's cage is, although Ralph was out) he gave his warning screech. It set the cockatiels off and their cage was open so they flew out. I couldn't find Buster for 45 mins! He wouldn't answer any of my calls or anything! I was searching everywhere and behind everything! I finally found him under the kitchen table hiding under the tablecloth.

Work at Project Perry is going well. I'm still loving it, and it's been keeping me busy. I've stayed a few times overnight too, when needed (yes, it's been needed). We're planning to start a pet sitting business, as in we go to the owners homes to take care of their birds (and any other animals they may have) along with mail, plants, etc. The cost of doing such will be split between Project Perry and the person doing the pet sitting (I'll be one of the people doing such). So hopefully once we get it up and running it will be a way for me to get a little money coming in for me and some money coming in for PP also. It's hard to find a place for people who own birds to leave their birds so we're hoping that the word will spread.

I am cooking at work occasionally- my boss, Matt, is vegetarian, and about once a week or so that's what I cook. Unfortunately, I'm still trying to get used to my schedule (or lack of one) that hubby and I are doing a lot of freezer eating. I've also been using Saving Dinner Menus a lot also. I need to sit down and plan out some easy and freezer meals that are WW friendly since I'm about out of ideas and tired of what we've used/had, not to mention the season is changing.

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