Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Recipe Review

Dinner last night was the Lasagna Rolls. They were quite tasty. Although, not as tasty as I would have liked, but it was me and not the recipe's fault. It's the cinnamon. I don't like cinnamon in savory things. I even decreased it to 1/4 tsp instead of the 3/4 tsp called for. I didn't want to leave it out since there wasn't anything else besides nutmeg (a common spice with spinach) and it looked like it was going for more of a Greek flavoring than an Italian one. Since it was also my first time trying the recipe I didn't want to change it too much either. *sigh* I really should have just used Italian spices and I would have liked it better. Hubby liked it just fine - he doesn't mind cinnamon and it was edible, just not a fave of mine is all. It will be made again, I'll just use my normal Italian spices instead.

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