Saturday, August 02, 2008

Farmer's Market Trip

Had a great haul at the Goochland Farmer's Market today. First off, I finally got up enough nerve to say hello to Amy from She Knits. She doesn't bite. :) I wish I knew some little ones so that I could buy some of her little knits to give them. They are so cute! At this point, no one I know is reproducing. Anyway, I had to get more eggs, since I'm trying a new (to me)Granola Bars recipe and since I'm doubling it, it will take 4 eggs, leaving me with two. So, first things first, I had to return an egg carton and get more. I did my normal sweep of the market to see what they had, and I saw lima beans. Yay! If it wasn't going to be in the 90's this week I'd make our favorite Mediterranean Lima Beans (From Veganomicon) but since it's baked in the oven for a bit, not a good choice. Anyway, I picked up a bag of already "shucked" lima beans (I know I can do it myself and there were others and even that vendor selling them them in the pod for cheaper - but I didn't want to deal with the shell and sometimes the shell makes me break out (yeah -the fuzzies make me break out on beans and peaches and some other veggies *sigh*). Anyway, I also found a vendor selling yard long beans - an asian green bean. So we're having Sczhuan beans at some point this week too. YUM! Probably this weekend with the Swimming Rama since I put it off last night and it doesn't matter to me if I mix Chinese and Thai. I bought 2 bags of green beans, one yellow one green. Wow, I guess it was a bean week for us. I bought a container of mixed heirloom cherry tomatoes, and I had a few when I got. I'm not sure they will make it through the day, I keep popping one everytime I walk by the bowl. :) And then I also bought a Canary melon. I haven't cut into it yet, and I also haven't tried one of those before. So, it's not really a lot to actually make meals out of, but it's a start. :)

I don't want to go all out anyway, we're headed to NYC this weekend. For those of you planning on hitting up our house while we're gone - I've got some bad news for mom and stepdad are staying here and watching the animals for us. :P Mom is all excited because she can get my stepdad to take her out to the Italian Kitchen in Richmond (it's on W. Broad in the strip in front of Books-A-Million near Fuddruckers) she loves that place and is all excited about that since he's never been there. Silly mom. ;) I need to ask if she wants to go to the Farmer's Market and church while they are here so I can leave them directions. Anyway, she said not to leave them anything since they'll want to go out and they can buy what they need.

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